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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Exam week This week is very busy for me. So busy that I have to cancel out a date with my baby. He was a little upset because he says he misses me a lot but I can't do anything about it because I had to study really hard for our prelim exams on Anatomy and Computer class. So far so good. I mean, I already took the Computer exams and I think I aced it. Well, it's really pretty easy to ace considering it's just a computer literacy program, which I already took in UST but have to take again because my goddang college doesn't want to credit it. Dang it. I feel like I'm only wasting money by taking that course. OH well. Now, for the Anatomy class, I already know the different bones in the body. I think I already memorize them so I don't have anything to worry about that anymore. What I need to worry now is the exam on the eight chapters in A&PI. Darn. I haven't started studying yet! Waah! The test is on Wendesday. I know you might think there's still plenty of time to study, but I don't think so because we're already moving to our new house and all my time is devoted to packing up my things and transferring them to the new house. Speaking of new house, I like my new room! And I like that we have a swimming pool too! Although of course we can't really use it till next summer, which is a bummer! Yay, that rhymed.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Finally Jason finally, finally met my parents yesterday at my cousin Angela Joy's birthday party. And so far so good. He and my dad talked a lot, and that's a good thing because my exes never had the chance to talk to my dad. Mostly because they're scared of him. Sissies. I like how he blends well with my family. He joined some of the children's games (which I joined too!). That's what I like about him. He doesn't have any shy bone on his body, he's very easy-going, and most esp. he gets along well with my family. I think even my Auntie Luz likes him because she invited him to another Nicdao party. Hmmm... So far so good. The gods are smiling at me. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Random Thoughts After nine long days in London, my parents finally came back home in the quiet suburbs of South Jersey. They had fun, as I can tell by their unending narration of what they did in London. They visited the Buckingham Palace, where they had the grand tour. Ain't they lucky? They also watched theatrical plays, Mama Mia and Les Miserables. I'm jealous! I should've come with them, but I have school so I couldn't go. Darn. My sister bought me a shirt and jacket and loads and loads of chocolates. Speaking of chocolate, darn, I gained three pounds for eating chocolates all the time! Not that it's bad coz I need to gain weight anyway, but still! Now I need to watch what I eat or else I'm gonna be fat! *** A black girl from work doesn't like me. I didn't even do anything to her. I don't talk to her, and the times that I did talk to her she was so sarcastic at me. Friends say it's probably because she's jealous coz I have a great body (ehem) and a beautiul face (ehem again). Not my fault that she's fat and she's ugly. Sorry for being mean here, but she's already getting on my nerves. I think it's the fact that I'm a Filipino or something. Or maybe because Jason pays me so much attention at work that she's jealous or something. Darn. One more time of being mean to me and she'll get it from me, I promise. I don't know exactly what I'll do, but I'll think of something. *** Summer's over and first day of Fall is here! Hay. I can feel the chill in the air already. I don't like it. Pinasabik lang ako sa summer weather for three months and now we'll have 9 months of cold weather na! Kainis. *** Anatomy and Physiology ain't so bad afterall. Well, sabagay nag-iistart pa lang ako sa subject. Let's see how I do on my first exam and we'll see if it's not bad at all. Pero so far, easy-easy pa ako. *** On the other hand, my computer subject is so darn easy! Parang wala lang. Parang naglalaro lang ako dun. Hehe. Speaking of computer subject, last Thursday, after my brother's birthday celebration, when I went to class, I was so sleepy and I was nursing a hang-over. Kakahiya nga sa prof kasi nakikita nya ako humihikaba all the time and then talagang yung mata ko pumipikit na talaga sa sobrang antok! *** We're moving in to our new house probably the first week of October. I'm so excited to decorate the whole house, esp. my room!
Saturday, September 18, 2004
I'm in Heaven Is it possible to be not only happy as I am today, but to be also contented with my life? I feel like I am so blessed. And I am just so contented and happy that a smile seemed to be forever etched on my face. I finally introduced Jason to the whole family. Well, not the whole family because my mom and dad are in London right now so they didn't yet meet him. But I already introduced him to my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and my brother. I was so nervous at first because no matter what I say that it doesn't matter that they don't like him, it does matter so much to me. I was so scared that they won't like him because he's an American. My brother even told me before he met Jason that if Jason turned out to be some arrogant white guy, he's not gonna talk to him. And before, whenever I talk about Jason, my brother has this frown on his face. I can't blame him. I've been living here in the US for more than a year now and I know how much our culture is so much different, and let's just say that we have this bad perceptions of Americans, some of them valid, some not. Don't get me wrong, I have American friends. But somehow there is this unwritten rule that we can only be friends with them, more than that is out of the question... mainly because of the difference in culture. And then, when I told my grandma that I have an American boyfriend... well, let's just say that she doesn't approve... Same with my parents... But then... I brought Jason to my brother's birthday celebration last Wednesday. He was so nervous. He doesn't know what to expect. He thought that my relatives aren't gonna like him because he is an American. Before I introduced him to the family, I told him that in my culture we mano to our elders. I thought him how to say do the mano po thing. SO when he met them, he circled the whole room and manoed to my aunts, uncles and grandparents. And he got along well with them. So well that the next day when I went to my grandparents' house for dinner, my grandmom asked me, "Where's my apo? - refering to Jason. Everyone was telling me how nice he is. Even my grandma said that before she doesn't like us getting married to Americans but now that she met Jason she changed her mind. And to prove that, when I talked to my sister in UK on the phone, she told me that when she talked to my grandma, she never stopped talking about how nice Jason was. And my brother also like Jason. He said that Jason is indeed different from the Americans he know. And Mags also told me that she likes him for me. She said that Jason is funny and nice. She can clearly see that he loves me. Hayy. I'm happy that everything turned out okay. And I'm so happy that everyone liked him. Makes my life so much more simpler. :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
One Month Today I was dreading this day. This day where we celebrate our monthsary. You see, I got my heart broken the last time on our exact first month my ex and I got together. And now that I have a new love, I was sorta' dreading the first monthsary. I guess it was a traumatic experience for me the last time and I thought it would happen again this time. But you know what I realized? Jason is different from the ex. So much so different. So much so that the ex pales in comparison. Everyday my love for him just grows much stronger. For every little thing he does, my heart just swells with love. Okay... this is getting cheesy now so I'll stop right there. I guess I just want the world to know that I love him. It doesn't matter what they say about Americans. I know he's different. Sure, he had a somewhat shaday past, and he feels kinda' insecure about that. But I told him that what he is today is the product of his past and I love the man he is today. *** wrote this piece on our first monthsary. I'm only now publishing it. :)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Night of Fun -- and Drunkenness I've been a bad girl last night. I called out from work, told them I'm sick, and proceeded to party with Jason. We went bowling to prove to him that I was just letting him win that first time we bowled. He got a sprained ankle, but what do you know, he still beat me. In fairness, we both stink last night. My balls kept going to the gutter and no matter what I do the ball kept veering to the left thus knocking down only one pin. He wasn't as good as that first bowling either probably because of that sprained ankle. Then afterwards, we wanted to go that Drive-in movie near his house, unfortunately they were close for the holiday. I so badly wanted to go there because I only see that in the movies and I wanted to experience it myself. We decided to go instead to South Street Philly to grab a few drinks. We went out scouting for the right bar, but as we were walking I chanced upon my favorite store of accessories. I dragged him inside. He ended up buying me this beautiful dragonfly necklace. Then we went inside a bar and I proceeded to get drunk. Really drunk. And me being drunk is not good. If I'm loud now when I'm in my normal state, what more if I had a few drinks? It was bad, I tell you. But it was fun. They had this arcade inside the bar so Jason and I played a few games. Oh and yeah, I must say this. Jason overheard the group from the other table talking about us. He let what they said slide but he said he wanted to punch the guy for what he said. Goodness, if I heard that I would've punched the guy myself. The guy remarked about Jason getting me drunk so he could rape me. Date rape, I think he said. They are sick. They think that I'm a 16-year old girl and Jason was taking advantage of me. I know I look young, but goodness! Do they have to say that? It's a good thing though that Jason let it slide because I can't handle fights. I might just burst crying in front of them as I tell them to stop. We went to another bar, but the crowd was so rowdy and Jason said that people were sniffling cocaine, (I wouldn't know because I don't even know what cocaine- or any other drug for that matter- look like), so we quickly left that place and went to another bar. There we met an interesting man, covered with tattoos. Jason started talking to him while I just watched Comedy central and took long sips of my drink. By this time I know I really am drunk because the world started spinning already. I don't even know how many drinks I had, but I know it's a lot more than I can handle. I was already feeling sick when I told Jason that I wanted to go home because I'm already wasted. Hayy.. to make a long story short I ended up throwing up in front of my boyfriend. Yay. That was embarrassing. He wanted to take me to his house because he doesn't want me to drive at the state I am in. I think we started arguing but it was all a bit hazy to me now. Oh well.
Monday, September 06, 2004
picture bonanza look at me and my cousins, ain't we just cute? :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() O diba, pwedeng pang-star circle?:)
Sunday, September 05, 2004
I miss home I was so preoccupied with Jason these past few weeks that I almost, almost forgot this homesickness I feel since the day I left Philippines. But with an unexpected call from an old friend, it all came crashing back - missing home, my sisters and most esp. the friends I left behind. I never really realized how much I miss my friends until JP gave a surprise call last Friday. And we proved once again that no matter the distance, no matter the time difference, our friendship still runs strong. He gave me some news about old friends... news that made me sad, and some news that made me happy. Sad, because people you thought would end up married to each other, because back in college they were like the 'ideal' couple, ended up apart. Made me question love once again... Happy because two of my friends are having a baby! I'm so excited for them. I wish I was there though so I could be a ninang. Hay. I wonder when I will go back to visit. Two, three years maybe? I don't know. I wish it were sooner though. I really miss home. *** I'm cranky when I'm sleepy. And because of this I snapped at Jason not only once, but a lot of times earlier at work. But he never complained. And he never snapped right back. That man has the patience of a saint. *** He sprained his ankle skate-boarding. My poor baby. His ankle is really swollen and blue. I feel sorry for him... and I really feel his pain, but it was stupid what he did to get that sprain. How about getting drunk then skate-boarding? How stupid can that get? Still love him though. *** His brother invited me to his house for a barbecue party tomorrow. Yay. Yay. Yay. I'm scared and nervous! What should I bring? Should I bring dessert or something? Ohmigosh. I really am nervous. I am meeting the family. Gosh!
Friday, September 03, 2004
What to write??? Having a boyfriend seems to drain the creative side of me. Everyday I find fewer and fewer things to write. Ooooorrrr I am just too lazy to update my blog. Must be the latter. Anyway... what's new??? Started my fall classes last week. I'm only taking two classes. It was supposed to be three but I dropped one because of my hectic (?) schedule. That and I want to concentrate on my Anatomy and Physiology class. I figured I could just take my minor subjects during the summer. (Summer?? Yeah ryt. I'd probably take this nursing school for ten years at the rate I am going!) So far, everything's still going smoothly. I missed the first day of class in A&PI because I woke up late. My class starts at 9am and I woke up 9:30. I figured that if I take a shower and find a parking space in school, it would take me another hour so I decided not to attend class. Also missed my first day of class in my other class (which I already dropped) because I didn't know that it would take me eons to find a parking space in school. It was so crowded with cars that I circled the whole school for 30 minutes before I found a spot (which is like 100 miles from my building - well, okay not a hundred miles but it felt like it to me). I didn't know that finding a parking spot is such a big problem in that school. It was so crowded with cars already that some just parked their cars on the grass (which is forbidden but they did it anyway). I learned my lesson already so I come to school 30 minutes early just so I can have a good parking spot. Hmmm... what else is new??? I'm still feeling the dent in my wallet for having to spend a friggin' fortune on books. I only have two subjects but I spent $400 (gasp! I know) on the books I need. Can you believe that??? Four hundred friggin' dollars! Fortune already. That's more than 20,000 Philippine peso. That's like my tuition for one semester (plus books) in UST! Err, ryt? Now I'm broke. Huhuhu. Oh and yeah, speaking of school, my co-worker doesn't believe me when I told him I already have a bachelor's degree and that nursing is just my second degree if ever. He said, "No way Joyce! You're too young to have a bachelor's degree! And he still wouldn't believe me when I explained that in the Philippines you graduate high school when you're 16 (or 17) and that we don't have middle school and that you can have a 4-year college degree at age 20. He still wouldn't believe me actually. He thinks I'm saying a lot of crap. It's okay though. Forgive him Lord for he does not know what he's saying... he doesn't know any better... ryt? I also told him, "Why do you think I can speak fluent English even though I've only been here for a year? His answer -"That's because you took english classes." And my reply to that, "Well, I took Spanish classes too but I'm not fluent at it!" He still shakes his head in disbelief. I told him I'm going to bring my diploma later tonight so I can prove it to him. Tsk tsk. This Americans, they think they're superior or whatever. Wow. This is a long post already. Still got a lot to tell but I'm already sleepy. Got to catch some zzz's first. **See Mags, I can write about something else other than Jason. Hehe |
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