P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

One Month Today

I was dreading this day. This day where we celebrate our monthsary. You see, I got my heart broken the last time on our exact first month my ex and I got together. And now that I have a new love, I was sorta' dreading the first monthsary. I guess it was a traumatic experience for me the last time and I thought it would happen again this time.

But you know what I realized? Jason is different from the ex. So much so different. So much so that the ex pales in comparison.

Everyday my love for him just grows much stronger. For every little thing he does, my heart just swells with love. Okay... this is getting cheesy now so I'll stop right there. I guess I just want the world to know that I love him. It doesn't matter what they say about Americans. I know he's different. Sure, he had a somewhat shaday past, and he feels kinda' insecure about that. But I told him that what he is today is the product of his past and I love the man he is today.

*** wrote this piece on our first monthsary. I'm only now publishing it. :)

posted at 6:02 AM by joyce

About Me
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Joyce. 22 23 24. Filipino. Journalism graduate. working student. Scorpio. chocolate lover not anymore.collects teddy bears shoes.drama queen. crybaby. book lover.frustrated singer. good dancer. extrovert. observer. loves to daydream. has an overactive imagination. green-minded. cynical and yet romantic. sweet. internet addict. talkative. a walking contradiction . mababaw. childish . loves to laugh a lot. pretty friendly. optimistic. impulsive buyer. doormat. directionally challenged. worrywart. constantly on a diet. movie fanatic :)
Contact me at b l u e b l i n k 1 3 8 2 at yahoo dot com
I feel my moodtoday

My past...

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