P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Friday, July 08, 2005
What the?!!! Another people power revolution going on in the Philippines? When will it ever stop? It seems that the only answer people can come up with, with seemingly corrupt presidents, is to have them ousted. I swear, the Filipino nation is just people-power happy. How many Presidents have we asked to step down now? Two and counting. I think that all these revolutions going on taint the Filipino nations' reputation. I wonder why we haven't bagged yet the record for having the most number of corrupt Presidents in the whole wide world. **** Anyway, moving on.... It's funny when you finally decide to stand up to bullies, people begin to hate your guts. People from work used to like me. It's because I let them take advantage of me. I comply to everything they ask me to do. Most of the time I do their work for them, while they just stand there and watch me work while they yap and yap. I smile when they tease and taunt me because of my accent. I smile when they say mean things about Asians. I smile when I know I shouldn't be smiling anymore. I smile eventhough all I want to do is kick their asses for being racists. And they like me for it. But I got tired from it. And so I fought back. I give quick retorts to their tauntings. And I say offensive things that pierced through the bone whenever they say offensive things to me. I stopped smiling. I learned how to raise that one eyebrow, give them that 'you're too stupid to comprehend' look, and give that sneering smile. And so they start to hate me. They stop talking to me. And I can only feel relief. I can't believe that I survived one year in that work with them working beside me. Hayyy... My only consolation is that I'll only be there one more year before I resign to become a full-time student. Gaah, I can't wait! **** You suck the life out of me. Bit by bit by bit till there's no more left till I can't recognize me anymore till I become someone I used to hate till the reason for living leaves me till I die
Sunday, July 03, 2005
I found out some things that made me sad. I don't know why some adults act like young, immature children. I swear it gets me frustrated at times. If parents from different families are fighting, does that mean that you have to include the children into the fight? Of course not. Because the children are innocent bystanders there. They do not have anything to do with the fight. Hayy, those that have makikitid ang utak frustrates me a lot! ***** I came face-to-face with that man who brought a lot of grief into my life. And while talking to him, I can't help the emotions swirling inside me. There's anger still. Bitterness. And the desire to hurt him as much as he hurt me. I don't know how he can stand there, looking so innocent, without remorse. I kept thinking what kind of a person he is? And he had the nerve to ask me how my sister is, as if he has every right to know. Gaah, I wanted to kick his butt so he could fly from here to Timbuktu for all I care. I know it is not healthy to harbor such hatred. But how can you ever forgive someone who's actions brought a series of reactions that pierced otherwise happy relationships. How can you forgive someone who doesn't even look sorry for what they did? How can you forgive someone when they blame you for something he did? Tell me how. how? how?
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Thank god for this blog! I need to rant! Argh! I hate the people at work. Yeah, I know, hate is such a strong word, but heck, I swear, I am about ready to kick all their asses! They take perverse pleasure in talking about people! Unfortunately for me, me and Ryan seem to be the favorite topic of their stupid conversations lately. See, I try not to let it affect me. But because I know that they were talking about me and Ryan, I find myself becoming so antisocial. I don't trust them. I don't like the looks they were giving me. I hate it when that ugly fat woman stares at me all the time. Argh!!!! I just think that they must be very, very bored that they couldn't find anything else to do but talk about other people. Their heads must be empty, or they must have air for brains that they can't find other interesting topics other than people. I should be flattered. I am that popular there that they would find the time to talk about me. I just ignore them. But I swear one day I might just come up to them, and say to their face what I think of them --- that they are the vermins of this world, and that I pity them because they will never rise out of that state. Hayyy.... people like them don't even deserve to be mentioned in this blog. But I am just so friggin' annoyed and frustrated that I just have to let this all out.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Wow. I miss this blog Gosh, I've missed this blog so much. I had been blogging at that friendster blog that I have that I totally neglected my first blog home. Well, now things are gonna change. See, I write on that other blog because I thought that it would give me a chance to reconnect with my old friends, classmates and schoolmates. I intended that to tell my day-to-day life experiences so they would have an idea, since I lost touch with most of them. And it worked for a while. But now, I think I'm beginning to miss this blog. I miss the privacy it gives me from people who actually knew me in real life. I guess in a way, I don't want to give out a part of myself to a lot of people. See, I know that only a few people read this blog. And while other bloggers aim for popularity, I aim for anonymity. Pretty stupid if you have an online journal. But it really is fine with me that this blog is not so popular. because I can still write whatever I want to write without having to censor my words. ANyway, I was gone for a long time that I didn't notice that you can now upload pictures from here. Cool! Anyway again, I'd be here a lot more often, and this I truly promise to my devoted readers. hehe. :) |
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