P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Thank god for this blog! I need to rant! Argh! I hate the people at work. Yeah, I know, hate is such a strong word, but heck, I swear, I am about ready to kick all their asses! They take perverse pleasure in talking about people! Unfortunately for me, me and Ryan seem to be the favorite topic of their stupid conversations lately. See, I try not to let it affect me. But because I know that they were talking about me and Ryan, I find myself becoming so antisocial. I don't trust them. I don't like the looks they were giving me. I hate it when that ugly fat woman stares at me all the time. Argh!!!! I just think that they must be very, very bored that they couldn't find anything else to do but talk about other people. Their heads must be empty, or they must have air for brains that they can't find other interesting topics other than people. I should be flattered. I am that popular there that they would find the time to talk about me. I just ignore them. But I swear one day I might just come up to them, and say to their face what I think of them --- that they are the vermins of this world, and that I pity them because they will never rise out of that state. Hayyy.... people like them don't even deserve to be mentioned in this blog. But I am just so friggin' annoyed and frustrated that I just have to let this all out.
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