P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I'm in so much stress lately that I wonder how I could wake up everyday and still go on as before. Work is stressful because they give us mandatory overtime every freaking day. I mean, it doesn't matter to them that they gave us just one friggin' day off, and work six days a week, but still they have to call for mandatory overtime, and work ten hours a day. Hayy. The money's good. But the body complains. Esp. when I'd get home around 6:30 in the morning, go to sleep around seven and wake up at 11 am to go to school. Home is a little stressful too because of some misunderstandings between my parents and my sister. But I hope that will pass soon. Love life's not really going that well. Me and Ryan fight all the time now. I don't know if I'm just tired of being in a relationship. It seems like it's only a hassle, you know? Trying to make something work out. You expend too much energy and time and effort. In the end you still wonder if it's all worth it. I don't know. Maybe I'm just jaded. School is pretty stressful too. But only because I really don't have that much time to study because of friggin' work. I have all these research work that I have to do and I don't have that much time left on my hands until the deadline. Hayy.. The only sunshine to my day is her... ![]() She makes the problems all go away... even for just a while. Just in time for me to breathe a little... then plunge on again.
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