P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Friday, November 25, 2005
The past couple of weeks had been very busy for me. I had to finish a research paper for my English Comp 2 class regarding euthanasia. I spent one whole sleepless week trying to cram. Knowing me and my bad habit of procastination, I did my research, my notecards, my first draft and all that stuff you're supposed to do way, way ahead of time a week before the research is due. And if you think that was easy, well, think again. I work ten hours a day/ six days a week. In addition to that, I go to my classes, 12:30 - 4:4:45, every tuesdays and thursdays. It was tough, I tell you. But I can proudly say that I did it! Give me a pat on the back will you? I totally deserve it. Although it didn't help that me and Ryan were having problems that time too. It was two hellish weeks for me. We almost ended it right there and then. And I was feeling miserable thinking this was another failed relationship on my part. But everything's been worked out. We're okay now. We talked it through, and I can honestly say that we're happy again. And let me take this oppotunity to thank Ivy, my best friend and soulmate for being there for me, even though we're miles apart. And Pem, thanks for your concern on your email. Sorry didn't reply yet. Reason on the first paragraph. Anyway... On other news...yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. And I celebrated it with Ryan's family. I had a blast. I love his family, esp. his mom. She gave me these beautiful pink pearl earrings. I so love them! Here are some pictures from last night. Syempre picture taking muna sa bahay before I left. My niece was so cute on her red dress! ![]() ![]() ![]() And some pictures from Ryan's house... ![]() ![]() and lastly... ![]()
Monday, November 14, 2005
I spent the whole night of my birthday crying my eyes out. And even then you'd think the tears would be all dried up... but no. The crying continued on till the wee hours of the morning. Crying from dusk till dawn. A very happy birthday to me.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I'm in so much stress lately that I wonder how I could wake up everyday and still go on as before. Work is stressful because they give us mandatory overtime every freaking day. I mean, it doesn't matter to them that they gave us just one friggin' day off, and work six days a week, but still they have to call for mandatory overtime, and work ten hours a day. Hayy. The money's good. But the body complains. Esp. when I'd get home around 6:30 in the morning, go to sleep around seven and wake up at 11 am to go to school. Home is a little stressful too because of some misunderstandings between my parents and my sister. But I hope that will pass soon. Love life's not really going that well. Me and Ryan fight all the time now. I don't know if I'm just tired of being in a relationship. It seems like it's only a hassle, you know? Trying to make something work out. You expend too much energy and time and effort. In the end you still wonder if it's all worth it. I don't know. Maybe I'm just jaded. School is pretty stressful too. But only because I really don't have that much time to study because of friggin' work. I have all these research work that I have to do and I don't have that much time left on my hands until the deadline. Hayy.. The only sunshine to my day is her... ![]() She makes the problems all go away... even for just a while. Just in time for me to breathe a little... then plunge on again.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
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About Me ![]() Joyce. Contact me at b l u e b l i n k 1 3 8 2 at yahoo dot com ![]()
My past...
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