P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I just went through a very, very painful experience today. And even though more than 16 hours have passed, I am still feeling the pain. I'm on the way to recovery, but oh how I wish I could hasten the process... What happened? Well, I just had one of my wisdom teeth pulled out. It had been hurting me like crazy for a week. And when the I couldn't bear the pain anymore, I finally decided to go to the dentist. Okay, I was lying. I have a high toleration for pain. And if it's up to me, I would just ride out the pain till it hopefully goes away. And besides I was thinking, when my other wisdom teeth came out, I was also in pain then. But I tolerated it, and they never bothered me anymore. But this time, a week has passed and still there I was, chugging down pain pills, one after the other. All my friends told me to go see a dentist, coz it sounded serious when I told them that I can't open my mouth wide coz it hurts and that everytime I swallow it hurts. And so I made an appointment to see the dentist. And the verdict? Apparently, there was no room for my wisdom tooth to grow. And it would keep on bothering me for as long as I live if I didn't do anything about it. And so I consented to let the dentist have his way with my tooth. And so he did. God, I was shaking when the dentist pulled out that needle to put anaesthesia. And he put the needle on me, like four to five times! I wanted to cry so bad. It hurt so goddamn much! And I couldn't stop shaking from nervousness! But when the anaesthesia took effect I didn't feel any pain, except a lot of pressure on my tooth when the dentist tried to pull it out. Thank goodness the dentist's office is just about three minutes from my house, so I drove back home without a hitch. The anaesthesia lasted for about four hours, and boy was my mouth a mess! I couldn't stop drooling and I could taste the blood. Even before the anaesthesia wore off, I took two pain killers. My sister told me how much it would hurt afterwards. And boy was she right. And so here I am in front of my computer, trying in vain to ignore the throb on my gums. God help me, I might have to take twenty more pain killers! Waah! *** ANyway, in other news. She is the most beautiful thing that happened in our lives... ![]() Every day when I wake up I would peek in her room to see if she's awake... ![]() And I just love the feel of her trusting body on my arms. She's so little and so precious, that my heart fills with joy everytime I hold her... ![]() I just can't get enough of her! God, I love my niece! Who wouldn't? She's an angel... ![]() *** Last saturday, I went over my little cousin's house to join his birthday party. I had a blast. Here are some pictures from the party: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *** ANyway, this pain is getting unbearable na. I'll try to sleep it off and hopefully things would get better when I wake up. Ciao people.
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