P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r
Wednesday, May 04, 2005


When will you say it's over? What turns you off in a man or a woman? What would make you let go and never look back?

I talked to my friend at work about this, about dealbreakers. Dealbreakers in relationships happen when you find out something about a person that would make you leave in an instant, without thinking twice about it.

For my friend, his dealbreaker is smoking. If a guy smokes, then its bye-bye for him. She said that she can never ever take the smell of cigarrette smoke.

For others, it could be the accent. I know a friend that would be completely turned off if the guy has a bisaya accent. I know that's shallow, but I guess that's the dealbreaker for her.

See, I think I can take all that. I won't mind if the guy smokes. I won't care if he's a bad driver. I don't care if he has a bad accent. I don't care if he smells. Wait, scratch that. I do care. I don't care if he's not that good in academics. (But hey, it counts if he is.)

My dealbreaker is cheating. If a guy had guts enough to tell me that he cheated, then that's it for me. I don't think I could really ever look back. The trust won't be there anymore, no matter how hard we try to bring it back, so why even try? I know that's hypocritical of me since I cheated once in my life. But as they say, you never want someone to do the same thing you did to others. Esp. if you did something horrible to someone.

But I wonder, what if you love this person so much, would you be willing to discard all those dealbreakers you set in your head? Would you be willing to compromise?

posted at 4:33 AM by joyce

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Joyce. 22 23 24. Filipino. Journalism graduate. working student. Scorpio. chocolate lover not anymore.collects teddy bears shoes.drama queen. crybaby. book lover.frustrated singer. good dancer. extrovert. observer. loves to daydream. has an overactive imagination. green-minded. cynical and yet romantic. sweet. internet addict. talkative. a walking contradiction . mababaw. childish . loves to laugh a lot. pretty friendly. optimistic. impulsive buyer. doormat. directionally challenged. worrywart. constantly on a diet. movie fanatic :)
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