P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Was there ever a time in your life, you've longed for someone, wishing he was there with you, crying every night how you miss him, and then reminiscing all the wonderful memories you had together? You had him, even for a brief moment... and the moment was so sweet that you repeat it over and over in your mind... Then you made a bargain with God, you said, "dear Lord, please make him come back in my life and I'll promise to be good, really really good. I won't mess it again this time. Please lord? Please?" You waited those long excruciating, lonely months, till you finally learned to move on, only you were never really the same person ever since. And then suddenly he came back in to your life. At first you were so happy. You really wanted to bring back the friendship you've lost... Only to realize... the friendship was already lost. And that sweet moment you had wasn't really the sweet at all. It was only made sweet because you saw him through rose-tinted glasses. But now that you've thrown away those glasses, you finally saw who he really is. And then you berate yourself, how could you have spent months crying over a memory that wasn't really there, that wasn't true at all? You're embarrassed to admit, you had refused to see the man for who he really is because you were so blinded with love, but now you can see clearly, he is not the man you believed him to be afterall. You should've listened to your friends when they tried to show you the man behind the mask. But you turned your eyes away, you refused to look. But now you see... and now you see...
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