P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Having resigned myself to spending my day off sleeping the whole day, 'twas a pleasant surprise to hear from my new friend Ela inviting me to hang out with her and her friend Rammy. Actually, it was more of a plea rather than an invitation. Apparently, this Rammy (an Egyptian guy) seems to be hitting on her, and Ela wanted me to chaperon them coz she doesn't want to be alone with him. So, a good friend that I am, ten minutes later I was sitting at the park where they were. Besides from being bored out of my wits at home, I also wanted to check out this Rammy guy. We were just hanging out at the park when we decided to play billiards. Ela and I don't know how to play that game, but we wanted to learn. I know I never learned way back in college. I used to go with my friends when they played billiards, but I just watch them play. I usually just go with them for the drinks, or just to hang-out. Rammy taught us how to play. And I actually beat Ela. Harhar. They said I get too hyper playing. Hehe. You know me, I'm loud. I couldn't help it. I have to shriek out loud when I manage to put the ball on the hole (er, however do u say that?). And I have to do a little dancing too, I mean, what's the fun of the game if you don't get hyper ryt? Afterwards, we went to this resto called Star View and ate the usual All American food, Cheeseburger and fries. Had a few drinks too. My gosh, I tell you, that stuff I had was so strong. One sip, and it went straight in my head. I had a good time tonight, albeit I was only a chaperon. At least I wasn't home moping, ryt? Oh and yeah, I just have to quote what Rammy said earlier when I told them that I've just been called a slut by my ex-borfriend... "Your Filipino guys don't deserve you Filipino girls..." Hehe. Don't I just know it? But I have to disagree. The Filipino guys I meet here in the States are jerks, yes, but those Filipinos in the Philippines, now they're completely different. As I said, there's something about this country that changes a person.
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