P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r
Thursday, June 17, 2004


I was asking my friend from work about this song from U2 that I like but I forgot the title, I forgot the lyrics, I forgot the melody. For the life of me, I couldn't remember anything from the song, but I was sure I liked the song before and I kept singing that when I was in college.

Anyway, I gave him clues, things that I could remember from the song.

First, I said, "It's about how life is good and all..."

Second, I said, "I think the title of the song is just one word. Yeah, I know for sure it was just one word."

Then third, I proceeded to hum some kinda' melody.

But still we can't think of that particular song.

So when I went home, the first thing I did was search for all the songs of U2, because I don't want to lose some sleep trying to remember that song.

And guess what? I found it alright. But all my clues were wrong. It wasn't about how life was good and all. The title isn't only one word. Actually, it's more of nine words. Stuck in the Moment You Can't Get Out Of. That's the song.

Ang babaw ko! I swear tawa ako ng tawa nung nakita ko yung lyrics nung song!

posted at 4:24 AM by joyce

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Joyce. 22 23 24. Filipino. Journalism graduate. working student. Scorpio. chocolate lover not anymore.collects teddy bears shoes.drama queen. crybaby. book lover.frustrated singer. good dancer. extrovert. observer. loves to daydream. has an overactive imagination. green-minded. cynical and yet romantic. sweet. internet addict. talkative. a walking contradiction . mababaw. childish . loves to laugh a lot. pretty friendly. optimistic. impulsive buyer. doormat. directionally challenged. worrywart. constantly on a diet. movie fanatic :)
Contact me at b l u e b l i n k 1 3 8 2 at yahoo dot com
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