P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
What accounts for a Perfect Date? Couldn't resist writing this post since Valentine's Day is around the corner. Sue me. I'm a hopeless romantic. Hehe Don't worry, this won't be some cheesy post I'll be writing here (or isn't it?) Oh well, it's my blog, and I can write anything I want to. If you don't want to read it, no one's forcing you to... Okay, so what accounts for a perfect date with me? Simple really. Since I'm just a simple girl, very easy to please, very easy to put a smile on my face. The perfect date for me is driving around, not knowing where to go, just following where the road leads us, buying take-out food (doesn't matter if it's just burger and fries and soda or something more fancy than that) then looking for a perfect spot where we can park the car, preferably somewhere elevated, with a perfect view (like seeing the whole city with their blinking lights, or a lake, or yeah, the sea, that would be nice too). If it's not cold outside, we'll lie on the grass, hold hands, look at the stars, and talk (among other things) all night long. But if it's freezing, we could just stay in the car, turn the heater on, watch the perfect view from outside, hold hands, listen to some slow music, and talk all night long. Aww. Wouldn't that be nice? Just the two of us... no distractions, no pretentions. BUT since my boyfriend isn't here, this would just be a fantasy waiting to be fulfilled at the right time. *** Do I really love him? Honestly? Let's just say calling him everyday has turned out to be an obligation for me for a long time now... *** Now I know why I didn't take up any science-related course when I was in college in the Philippines. The science of life has never really fascinated me. Who cares about covalent bonds, electrons, neutrons and protons? Who cares about the density of water, or about cations and anions? Who cares that zero degree celsius is equivalent to 32 degrees farenheit? Biology bores me. Chemistry leaves me frustrated. But heck, I have to take these two classes, in order to become, ahem, a nurse. Honestly speaking, do I really need to learn all that? What do these two subjects have to do with nursing? Okay... Okay... I know they are pretty important. Was just letting off some steam. Was too bored last night with my class, that's why. *** Did I say I really love Friendster? Wihee, now I have contact with my high school crushie. The one I told you who's already married? That hottie. I didn't know he's a model in the Philippines. Figures. With that killer smile of his, and to-die-for body... whew! *** Just wondering if I'm not too candid with him???? This is the first time in my life where I just say what's on my mind... where I don't leave a guy guessing on what I really feel. No, I'm not being too forward or aggressive or anything like that, after all, I would like to believe I'm still that conservative Filipina through and through... (and yes, we're just friends, no matter that other people think otherwise. Actually, to be honest, this friendship I have with him gives me relief coz there are no pressures or pretentions on both our sides) It's just that, maybe I'm very much at ease with him, that I just say what's on my mind. He's so easy to talk to that's why. I would like to believe he's the kind of guy, you can tell anything, and he wouldn't assume too much. I would like to believe that he takes what I say as what they really mean, and he wouldn't look for any underlying meaning behind my words (when, in fact, there really is no underlying meaning). I would like to believe I could be myself when I talk to him, and not worry later on what he thinks of me. This is what I see in him... and this is why, maybe I'm too candid when I talk to him.
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