P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I'm back

Apparently, I cannot stay away for so long. I miss blogging. I miss writing. So here I am... back... with a lot of stories to tell...

But where do I start? A lot of changes had happened in my life, that somehow I'm scared that one day I'll find that I'm only dreaming, and that one day I would lose so many precious things I treasure.

Changes... as the old cliche goes, change is the only constant thing in this world. Huh. Don't I know it. Sometimes I don't know if I should just sit back, and let the changes do their own thing, or if I should at least do something to stop these changes...

But then again, I don't want to stop these changes in my life. First time, after a long time, I find myself in high heavens once again, walking in cloud nine.

That's not so bad right, except that, with my nirvana nowadays, is one man's heartbreak.

I don't know what to do anymore. Somehow, I wish that I could turn back time and right all the things I did wrong in the past. I wish that I could have found the guts to do that one thing that has been nagging me for a long time now. But I know I can't turn back time, and I cannot control the changes that's happening in my life right now.

Friends urge me to do the right thing. If they only knew how hard it is for me to do the right thing. Afterall, how can you say goodbye to someone who's been loving you wholeheartedly, truthfully? What kind of a person dampens the hopes of a man so in-love with her? I don't want to be that kind of girl. But apparently that's the right thing to do... to say goodbye before I hurt him some more. But where do I find the guts? My friend told me to drink first, so I can find my dutch courage. Yeah well, one whole bottle of Tequila probably won't do it anyway.

posted at 5:50 PM by joyce

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About Me
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Joyce. 22 23 24. Filipino. Journalism graduate. working student. Scorpio. chocolate lover not anymore.collects teddy bears shoes.drama queen. crybaby. book lover.frustrated singer. good dancer. extrovert. observer. loves to daydream. has an overactive imagination. green-minded. cynical and yet romantic. sweet. internet addict. talkative. a walking contradiction . mababaw. childish . loves to laugh a lot. pretty friendly. optimistic. impulsive buyer. doormat. directionally challenged. worrywart. constantly on a diet. movie fanatic :)
Contact me at b l u e b l i n k 1 3 8 2 at yahoo dot com
I feel my moodtoday

My past...

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