P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
My First Taste of Snow Wipee! It was so cool. Although it was just flurries, and it didn't even last for a couple of minutes, I felt the excitement of my first sight of real snow. I was standing outside our apartment, with my arms wide open, giggling like a child, turning round and round, letting the snow touch my face, my hair, my jacket. Anyone who saw me were probably amused by my actions. But hey, it's my first time. Who could blame me? Hehe. I remember now what Aaron once told me. He told me that there is a difference between sex and snow. With sex, the first time hurts (at least for girls), the second time is okay, but the third time and those that follow would make you want to come back for more. While with snow, the first time would be so fun you'd thought you want more, the second time would still be fun, while those that follow afterwards would be hateful. Nice analogy huh. *** I need to do my Christmas shopping. Tomorrow. I'm going to the mall again tomorrow. And this time I promise myself I wouldn't buy anything for me. I swear. Gotta think of people I hafta buy presents.
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