P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Sunday, December 07, 2003
It's a Strike! I'm taking up a new sport...but then come to think of it, I don't even have a sport where I excel. What am I thinking? I hate sports. I'm a wimp. But this one game made me want to learn it to the hilt. Yup. Bowling. Hehe. Never mind that my arm is still stiff from yesterday's trip to the bowling center. Never mind that most of the time I roll the ball directly to the gutter. Never mind that the highest score I got is 68. Never mind that I'm not that good in bowling (well, duh, obviously). And lastly, never mind that when all of my relatives were cheering for me when it was my turn, as I aimed and stretched out my hand to roll the ball, it suddenly fell out of my hand and went in the reverse direction where I almost hit someone. (And to my utter embarrassment, that moment was caught on tape and my uncle is threatening to send it to America's Funniest Home Video! And did I say everyone was laughing hysterically?).What matters is that this sport is fun. It isn't boring as I previously thought. Heck, even my voice got hoarse from shrieking a lot. I even learned a few crazy dance moves that my uncles do whenever they hit a strike. And to my utter astonishment, I also hit a strike once. Unbelievable. *** After our trip to the bowling center, the whole family went to my Auntie Agnes' house where we had dinner of pancit, lumpia and lechon. And my auntie also made this dip for the nachos that was so good it was orgasmic! (Oops! Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Hehe. But it was really that good. :)) I ate too much again. As usual. Afterwards, my brother was urging everyone to have a snowball fight outside. But it was already 8 pm, and it was so cold outside, no one paid attention to him. I, myself, lost interest in snow. Playing with it once was enough for me. I already lost my fascination with it. I realized it wasn't so fun anymore when you're shivering with cold ( as in sagad sa buto) and bigla na lang tutulo ang sipon mo ng hindi mo namamalayan dahil sa lamig. Hehe. *** Weird Okay, this is weird. Why did my heart skipped a beat when he walked in the room and smiled at me? Why did I suddenly felt the heat rising up my neck towards my whole face? That was weird. Real weird. I just hoped he didn't see that blush. Yay! That was embarrassing. He's my friend for goodness sakes!
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