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Saturday, November 08, 2003
101 Things People Should Know About Me Took time off from reading one of the books I bought from Walden's and posted this entry: 1. I am 20 years old (turning 21 this November - hehe! reminder lang sa mga friends ko i2, gifts! gosh, ang subtle noh?) 2. I was named Joyce because according to my Dad, on the night my mom was giving birth to me, the lights went off, and he shouted "O Dyos Ko!" Dyos sounds like Joyce right? 3. When I was a young girl, I begged my mom to change my name to Apple. 4. And I thank high heavens now that she ignored my constant pleadings! 5. My relatives call me pagaga ( a kapampangan word which means crybaby) coz when I was small up to a time in high school (and my mom would swear till now) I throw tantrums left and right. 6. My boyfriend calls me beybi. 7. I am a graduate of "The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, the Catholic Univeristy of the Philippines, founded in 1611, the oldest university in Asia." 8. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. 9. Though I already have a bachelor's degree, I am still planning to take up Nursing this Spring. Please don't ask why. 10. I used to imagine (and sometimes act the part too!) that I was Ula. Remember Ula? I think it was Judy Anne's first soap opera. Or was it Anna Luna. I forget. 11. I hate wearing shoes. 12. I love walking barefoot on the grass. 13. Although I hate wearing shoes, I love buying them. Whenever I go to a mall, I would always buy one (or two) pairs of shoes. 14. Aside from shoes, I have a big collection of bags. I just so love them. 15. I love chocolates! (I think I read in some magazine that eating chocolates create the same sensation as making love. Hahaha. Go figure.) 16. I want to have a tattoo. 17. But I'm scared of needles, so that tattoo would just be a dream. 18. I also want to have my tongue pierced. 19. But I'm scared of the pain, so again, getting my tongue pierced would again be just a dream. 20. I hate sports. Couldn't play even one single sport. I even sucked at dama (sport ba yun?) 21. My boyfriend used to do all the sports articles I had to pass for my Sports Journalism class back in college. He even made my prelim and finals' article for me. The professor never knew. hehe 22. I intend to become a nurse, but the sight of blood makes me queasy. 23. The sight of a small cut makes me wanna faint too. 24. I am the Queen of Sloth. My favorite hobby is sleeping. 25. My sisters used to tease me I'd get bed sores for sleeping all day long. 26. I love reading fiction. 27. My favorite auhtors right now are John Grisham, Anne Rice and J.K. Rowling. 28. I hate to admit this, but I had gone through a phase where I absolutely adored the Mills and Boons books. 29. Now I only shake my head and cringe in embarrassment for having gone through that phase. 30. I used to love cooking, but when we went here in the US I totally hated cooking for the family. Dunno what happened to me. 31. I cook the most delicious spaghetti in my family. 32. I love spaghetti, but I hate the way they make it here in the US. Tastes a lot like tomato sauce to me. 33. I love McDonald's. 34. I don't like Jollibee. 35. I hate it that they do not have Spaghetti in McDonald's here. And that they only serve burgers. No rice and Mc-chicken! Grr! 36. I love yellow roses, although I do appreciate the beauty of red and white roses, I just go completely soft when someone gives me yellow roses. 37. I am so 'mababaw'. It wouldn't take the slightest bit of effort to make me laugh. 38. And sometimes the jokes aren't funny either but you'd see me rolling on the floor laughing. (okay, slight exxageration, but you know what I mean right?) 39. Although I am so 'mababaw', I am also slow to catch on the joke. My friends speculate that I analyze the joke in my head first before I'd finally get it. 40. I'd like to think I'm mature by now. 41. Although everyone seems to think I'm still too childish. 42. I think I'm just child-like, taking immense pleasure in the simplest and smallest of things. 43. I cry too easily, at the slightest mistake, at the slightest misunderstanding. 44. I cry when I'm mad. 45. I cry at cheesy Christmas commercials. 46. I love dancing, although I don't think dancing loves me. 47. I'm trying to learn how to line dance. But it's hard when you have two left feet. 48. I am a frustrated singer. 49. My favorite book from childhood is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. 50. I don't know how to say no. 51. I am a pushover. 52. It takes a lot to make me angry, but when I do get angry, in just an hour or so, I'd forget why I am angry. 54. I can easily conceal my feelings to others. 55. I can fake being happy whenever I am sad. 56. I am so totally obsessed with my weight. That's why people love to tease me and say I got fat, coz they know I'd totally react violently. 57. I totally abhore the taste of beer. 58. I tried smoking a lot of times back in college, but with just a puff, I'd get really dizzy, that's why I never got addicted to smoking. (Thank goodness!) 59. I only tried smoking because my friends are all smoking and I felt left-behind, but now I think smoking is really uncool. 60. I hate boybands. But I admit I like some of their songs. (I like the lyrics of the songs, not the voices behind them) 61. I love playing pusoy-dos, coz I always win at that card game. 62. I can't understand what the hoopla is all about on Meteor Garden but I asked my boyfriend to buy me a dvd of that tele-series and mail it to me here in New Jersey. 63. I'm a pessimist. 64. Although, I really try my best to be optimistic about things. 65. I am always daydreaming. 66. I have the capability to block out everything that surrounds me once I set my mind to it. 67. I am an alzheimer's case at this young age. 68. Writing calms me when I am mad or upset. 69. I love eating seafoods. 70. I am a great beliver in Karma. 71. Whenever I am sad, ice cream usually takes the blues away. 72. I try not to let other people intimidate me. 73. People here call me Smiley, coz they say I smile a lot. I dunno why, I used to be a snob back in the Philippines. 74. I love watching movies. 75. I love telling stories. I can talk a mile a minute. 76. Although, I would like to think that I'm also a good listener. 77. A long hot shower usually calms my frazzled nerves. 78. The longest time I've stayed on the phone was seven hours straight. I was talking to my boyfriend then. 79. This is embarrassing, but what the heck! I used to still wet my bed when I was in the sixth grade. It stopped when I went to high school. 80. I ceased to have a nightlife when I lived here in NJ. (Geez. WHat happened to me?) 81. I was totally moved by the movie Amelie and Life is Beautiful. 82. I absolutely adore dogs. I find them so cute. I want to have a pet dog again. 83. I hate cats. I think they smell awful. 84. I love with a passion. 85. Though I hate with a passion too. 86. A man singing a classic love song while playing the guitar makes me swoon. 87. Poetry makes me swoon too. 88. I get attracted to those brooding and enigmatic men. 89. But they have to stay that way - be a mystery for always, coz when I get to unveil the nystery behind them, I totally lose interest. 90. People get deceived by my innocent and angelic (Naks!) face. They don't know I'm a devil in a disguise. 91. I like the character of Vampire Lestat, but I am more in love with Louis. 92. I'm a rebel. 93. I try hard not to conform to the demands of society. 94. I am a risk taker. 95. But I am afraid of rejection and failure. 96. I wished I had learned to play any musical instrument - like the piano or guitar. 97. I am a hopeless romantic. 98. I'm very loyal to my friends. Sometimes I even fight their own battles for them. 99. I'm a very touchy-feely person. I like hugging friends. 100. I am an introvert. 101. I am receptive to change.
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