P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Who said this? I don't know who said this - "No Man is worth a woman's tears. The only one who's worth her tears is the one who knows he could but would never, ever make her cry."- she's right. I won't ever cry again! Ever! (I just hope I remember I said this) *** Work was a drag today. I find that I cannot give my best when some things are weighing me down. No matter how much I shake off the feeling of despondency, it just wouldn't go away. I've cried my last bucket of tears last night. And now I just feel numbness taking over my sadness. And now I vow to never let him make me cry again. He probably can't do that now anyway. A wall has been erected in my heart. And I swear he couldn't go through that thick wall no matter how he tries. *** There's been a bright side to my shadowed day. I asked my two supervisors to write for me a recommendation letter I need for school. They said such nice things about me (probably because I forced them to, what with me holding up a knife while they write the recommendation letter) Here's an excerpt of what they said about me: "(She is) good with directions, very intelligent, takes criticism well, open-minded" "Joyce is one of the best employees we have. She is very smart and reliable." Geez, Dan and Chad, love you guys!
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