P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Tabula Rasa Oh my god. My mind's a blank right now. I can't think. I can't write. I can't form a coherent sentence. Is this what they call writer's block? Shit. It came at a wrong time. I have three case problems to study and analyze. I have to make a report. I have to do this assignment. I have to pass this on Wednesday. I have to... But right now, my mind just refused to function properly. It even came to a point where I almost banged my head on the wall, hoping to shake up my brain or something. But I have a low tolerance to pain, ergo, I just stared frustratedly at the blank screen in front of me. Times like this, I miss my baby. He used to do all my writing assignments when I am not in the mood to do them. Ugh. I wish he was here. But since he's not, and I have no one to rely to but myself, I have to face this problem, and hope that in an hour or two, I could finally form an idea and write it down.
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