P r a g m a t i c D r e a m e r |
Saturday, September 06, 2003
I almost bawled like a baby when I was serving breakfast to my residents earlier this morning. The reason? I heard the first strums of the song Leaving on a Jet Plane, and it brought back memories of the night I was about to leave my Monologue man... Damn. I am pathetic. I actually felt the tears welling in my eyes while I was scooping up scrambled eggs and sticky bun. I blinked fast to keep the tears at bay. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the nurses. So I smiled. I pretended everything was fine. I pretended nothing was wrong. But inside my head, memories just came flooding back, like a stream of water come gushing forth. I wanted to tell the nurses to turn off the damn radio, or change it to another frequency... But I didn’t. And so, the melancholic voice of the singer reached out deep inside, letting the memories surface from the deep... The lyrics touched a cord and hit me square in the face... “So kiss me and smile for me... tell me that you’ll wait for me. Hold me like You’ll never let me go... I’m leaving on a jet plane. I don’t know when I’ll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go...” Yes, he did tell me he’ll wait for me. I remembered it so well... I just didn’t think I believed him though... I mean, in the real world, how can you wait for someone who doesn’t even know when she’ll come back? I didn’t give him empty promises. When he asked me when I’ll come back, I looked him in the eye, tears freely falling... I couldn’t answer him...I let the silence speak for itself. And I know right then he knew. But this dreamer in me, hopes and prays to high heavens that he will indeed wait for me... for however long it takes... “...when I come back I’ll wear your wedding ring...” Will I? Damn. I wish I wasn’t such a pessimist. But I know, no matter what I say, there is still something inside of me, even though it may be just a teeny little bit part, that hopes, and wishes and prays that Ours would last forever, no matter the distance, no matter the time.
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